(Article 23 to 26 should be in place of Article
36 to 50 of the existing Constitution)
24. Definition.
In this Part, “the State” shall have same meaning as in part III.
Certain principles and policies
to be followed by the State.
(1) The State shall maintain its policy to secure-
(a) every citizen, men, women and child have right to equal opportunity for an adequate means of livelihood;
(b) to secure the rights provided under sub-clause (a), Law of Income Tax on individuals should be replaced
by the Law of expenditure to ensure that ratio of expenditure between one and another citizen should not be beyond 1: 25 and
to further ensure that stringent and punitive punishment shall be provided for any manipulation or violation of such law by
any person holding any office, whatsoever;
(c) law should be made to regulate the transparent ownership and control of the material resources of the
community should subserve the common good;
(d) control of the shares of any Public Limited Company or Corporation should not be under control of any
individual or one business house, and State shall ensure that any individual shall not be benefited by any indirect personal
opportunity and gains from such Company or Corporation;
(e) no men, women or child should be deployed for any work unsuited to their age, health and strength or
which can be tentative as exploitation of material abandonment and moral.
(2) The State shall maintain its policy to ensure-
(a) any agreement with any foreign State, whether it entered before or after the commencement of this Constitution,
shall be transparent to public, except such parts, which purely concerns to technology of any product and highly sensitive
to security of the Bharat. There should be a Law with appropriate Rules, to define the technology and security of Bharat and
the name of such authority to determine it;
(b) management of every multinational Company shall vest with the Government of Bharat, as and when five
percentage or more shares of its parent Company in its origin nation would be acquired or undertaken, jointly or severally,
by any one or more foreign Governments, directly or indirectly;
(c) the electoral college system, representing management, financial institutions, common shareholders and
employee’s unions, and representative of consumers from related products, if any, should be the basis for the election
of the Directors of a Public Limited Company or Corporation. There should be a law with appropriate Rules with an mechanism
to fix the ratio of such Directors;
(d) any member of Board of Directors, their family members; relatives; and friends, holding shares of a Public
Limited Company or Corporation strictly should be from single electoral college representing to the management of such Public
limited Company or Corporation, and should not entitled to contest such election from any other electoral college;
(e) Annual Reports of the Public Limited Company shall contain all facts, figures and material facts, which
necessary to check manipulation of any kind;
(f) the ownership of a Newspaper having publication of more than one lakh copies shall vest
with a public limited Company or Corporation;
(g) under the law, with appropriate rules, the activities, matters and affairs of a public limited company
or Corporation shall be transparent to public, except activities, matters and affairs purely relating to technology and research
(3) Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance shall be obligation of the State,
and law with appropriate rules should be made, to protect every monument or place or object of artistic or historic interest,
to be of national importance, from spoliation, disfigurement, destruction, removal, disposal or export, as the case may be.
(4) State shall encourage, at village levels, to individuals and Non-Governmental Organisations to organise
agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, take appropriate steps guarded by law with rules,
to preserve and improve the breads, and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle.
(5) State shall ensure that consumption except for the medical purposes of intoxicating drinks and drugs,
injurious to health should be prohibited.
(6) State shall ensure to protect and improvement of the environment and safeguards of the forests and wild
life of the country.
(7) State shall endeavor to-
(a) promote international peace and security;
(b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations;
(c) foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealing of organised
people with one another, which does not temper with the sovereignty of the country; and
(d) encourage international disputes by arbitration.
(8) For local heritage and culture
State shall ensure that local heritage and culture should sustained in its original form, and no outside interference should
be permissible, without consent from the concern people.
(9) Laws relating to directive principles and policies
(i) State shall make appropriate laws to ensure the implementation
of the directive principles and policies of the State, as described under this Part, within three years from the commencement
of this Constitution.
(ii) State shall appoint one Commission consisting of the important
people from all communities to help the State to endeavour to secure for the Citizen a uniform civil code throughout the territory
of India. No person shall act as member of such Commission for more than three years. This Commission shall function till
a uniform Code is not secured.
(iii) In any case, under clause (1), if appropriate laws are not made by the State, the Law
Commission of Bharat shall invite suggestions from the people and in consultation with the National Judicial Commission, shall
frame drafts for such laws within four years from the commencement of this Constitution and should forward to Supreme Court,
which with or without any amendment, shall issue temporary laws within six months from the date of receipts of such drafts,
which shall applicable till Parliament or State Legislature, as the case may be, shall make appropriate laws, in that respect.